
St. Stephens Catholic Church Located at 151 East 28th between Third & Lexington no longer offers Masses.
You can still find wonderful photos of St. Stephens Church on this page and videos that you can click on at the bottom of this page.
Please click on the Church of Our Saviour link below to access their main website or any of the other Churches.

  • Church of Our Saviour Chapel of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary
  • Church of the Epiphany
  • Church of the Holy Family
  • Church of the Holy Innocents
  • Church of the Immaculate Conception
  • Old Saint Patrick's Cathedral
  • Saint Agnes Church
  • Saint Jean Baptiste
  • Saint Patrick's Cathedral
  • Current Mass Schedule at Our Saviour & The Chapel of Jesus & Mary

  • 7:45 am & 12:00 pm at Church of Our Saviour
  • 5:15 pm at the Chapel
  • 5:00 pm Vigil Mass at the Church of Our Savior on 38 and Park Avenue
  • 10:00 am and 5:00 pm at Our Saviour
  • 8:00 am, 12:00 pm, & 3:00 PM (Korean-English bilingual at the Chapel)
  • History of St. Stephens

    In 2005, hundreds gathered in the Capitol rotunda in Washington D.C., beneath the painting of George Washington and allegorical figures representing the 13 colonies, to mark the 200th birthday of the painter who created it, Constantino Brumidi. Several senators spoke, paying tribute to a man who, Senator Hillary Clinton said, "came to this country to find a better life and, in the greatest tradition of our nation made an indelible mark on our history."

    But while Washington has heralded Brumidi, New York, the site of his other major American work, has been less kind. Brumidi's paintings grace the interior of Our Lady of the Scapular and St. Stephen's Church on East 28th Street.

    A Romanesque brownstone church, St. Stephen's was designed and built from 1850 to 1854 by noted architect James Renwick, who also designed St. Patrick's Cathedral on Fifth Avenue, Grace Church in Greenwich Village and the original building of the Smithsonian Institution in Washington D.C. But it is the interior of St. Stephen's that is truly remarkable. Light pours through 100 stained glass windows created by Meyer of Munich, Germany. And then there are the Brumidi's. These include murals - such as a large crucifixion scene over the altar - and paintings depicting a variety of religious themes, including the Stations of the Cross. Brumidi also employed trompe l'oeil. What seem to be sculptures of figures such as David on closer examination turn out to be paintings. Similarly what on first glance looked like columns and stonework throughout the church were actually paintings. Much of this work, though, was covered over in the 1940s.

    As he worked at St. Stephen's, Brumidi was also busy at the Capitol, creating not only the paintings in the rotunda but other works in the building, including much of the frieze of American history. Brumidi finished his painting at St. Stephen's but died in 1880 before he could complete his Capitol frieze.

    Beyond its artistic merit, St. Stephen's played a role in New York's religious and political life. In 1860, it was the largest Catholic parish in the country with 24,000 members. The pastor at the time, Edward McGlynn, had an interest in the arts and brought Brumidi to the church. Later McGlynn became active in social and economic issues of the day, taking positions that ran counter to the teachings of the Catholic Church at the time. This led to his excommunication and departure from St. Stephen's.

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